Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Cerewet tapi membantu, haha

ohiya, ini gw juga ngesave chatingan gw sama orang Aussie yg namanya Eric..
Asik orangnya... terus wawasan ttg pendidikan juga luas,,, oiya dia ank Monash University.. hehe.. here is the chat:
Omegle conversation log
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: There was once this boy named shitface
Stranger: he was from kuntuckey
Stranger: and he loved turkey
Stranger: one day he was walking down the street
Stranger: and met a man named David
Stranger: David said to him
Stranger: "why is your name Shitface?"
Stranger: shitface replied, "no reason, i decided to call myself that, by the way, can i have your money?"
Stranger: David was a little confused, "sorry what?"
Stranger: "your money? can i have it" Shitface flashed a switchblade
Stranger: "Fuck you shitface." David punched shitface in the face
Stranger: and it turned into shit
Stranger: the end
Stranger: thankyou for listening
You: haha where are u from?
Stranger: Australia
Stranger: yourself?
You: Indonesia
Stranger: ah yeah
Stranger: what is it like over there
You: mild, traffic everywhere
Stranger: ok
Stranger: where abouts in indonesia?
You: jakarta
Stranger: oo pretty place
You: have u been here?
Stranger: no
Stranger: seen pictures
Stranger: that's about it really
Stranger: you ever been to australia?
Stranger: i'm from Melbourne
You: no.
You: but i really want to
Stranger: no offense
You: is it a good place to go?
Stranger: but i don't think i'll like indonesia
Stranger: too humid
You: yeah, even getting hotter
Stranger: than i'll die
Stranger: if it's anything like signapore
Stranger: far far far down south
Stranger: that's a little depressing
Stranger: up
Stranger: australia's got a very very dry heat
Stranger: with very very strange wildlife
Stranger: unfortunately a lot of the national parks have been really..well...made family friendly
Stranger: with handraides, woodern platforms etc
Stranger: it's kinda lame
Stranger: because the sense of loosing yourself in the wilderness is largely lost
Stranger: it's essentially a giant dessert
You: wow
You: let me guess your age
Stranger: that is unless you go to tasmania
Stranger: ok
You: mmm, 17?
Stranger: 19
Stranger: is that bad?
Stranger: how old are you?
You: no, i'm 16
Stranger: oh
Stranger: oh wow
Stranger: so young
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: (admittedly i'm quite immature)
Stranger: you make me feel old
Stranger: :(
Stranger: i just had flashbacks at what i did when i was 16
You: what's wrong with 16?
Stranger: nothing!
Stranger: it was one of the best years so far
Stranger: did absolutely shithouse acedemically
Stranger: but socially it was freaken awesome
You: is that bad talking to older people?
Stranger: no
Stranger: talking to poeple your age is the worst
Stranger: well
Stranger: not worst
Stranger: but you gain the least
Stranger: i find
Stranger: you gain more talking to older people
Stranger: because they have more life experience to share
Stranger: at least that's what older people tell me
You: you're right
Stranger: and it's good talking to younger people
Stranger: because they tell you a lot about yourself
You: aha
Stranger: given that you have a sense of self reflection
You: so?
Stranger: hmm?
You: ok\
Stranger: 16, you'll still be in school year?
You: do you go to college?
You: yes, grade 11
Stranger: oh wow grade 11?
Stranger: i was in grade 10 when i was 16
Stranger: um
Stranger: that makes you a youngling!
Stranger: yes in college
Stranger: Monash University
Stranger: if you've heard of it
You: yes i know
You: i hope i can go there when i graduate
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: what do you plan on taking?
Stranger: course
Stranger: as in
You: bachelor degree
Stranger: of?
Stranger: there's like
Stranger: everything under the sun
Stranger: arts, engineering, visual arts, design, archi, commerce, science, law, medicine
Stranger: ...
You: still confuse
Stranger: well
Stranger: for example
You: being 16 is tough
Stranger: i'm doing a Bachelor of Engineering
You: i can't choose
Stranger: really?
Stranger: umm
Stranger: why not?
You: yes.. because education in indonesia
You: is not like in australia or singapore
Stranger: what is it like?
You: too much subject to learn
You: but we only know all the subjects generally
Stranger: i see
Stranger: so you feel like you're learning a bit about everything
Stranger: but everythign is so very breif
Stranger: so it feels a little pointless
You: yeah, that makes my ideal disappear
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: when i was 16
Stranger: i was doing...
Stranger: English, maths, science, history, geography, latin, art
Stranger: science covered quite a few bits of random stuff from biology, science and chemistry
Stranger: it was all very brief
Stranger: but i guess that was year 10
Stranger: the work was easy
You: actually, i'm about the same with you
Stranger: and it was really to give every student a taste of the subjects that you're to pick for the final years
Stranger: which are geared towards a competition for a government funded univeristy placement
You: wow cool
Stranger: so like
Stranger: final year 12
Stranger: is crazy
Stranger: everyone who's doing 12 are enrolled in a system called VCE, in which everyone is graded with each other, and given a score out of 100
You: is it hard to get university in Au?
Stranger: um
Stranger: no
Stranger: it's quite easy actually
Stranger: given that you work hard
Stranger: but like
You: is there any requirement for international student like me?
Stranger: doing medicine, law requires a ranking of like 98+
Stranger: commerce was like..97 ish?
Stranger: engineering was 93 this year at monash
Stranger: this is only at Monash uni though
You: so i have to take the foundation year first?
Stranger: there are heaps of different universities that intake different rankings
Stranger: um
Stranger: you might
Stranger: i'm not sure
Stranger: your english seems pretty good
Stranger: i guess you might have an entry exam or something
Stranger: or they might have a look at how well you did at highschool
Stranger: i dunno
You: what is entry exam?
Stranger: exam to get into unversity
Stranger: or scholarship
Stranger: but i think it's different from international students
Stranger: you might have to pay more =\
Stranger: currently i dont pay a cent for my univeristy education
You: how to get the scholarship?
Stranger: it's paid by the government until i get a job earning above a certain pay bracket
Stranger: scholarship?
Stranger: um
Stranger: i think you either have to do really well in highschool
Stranger: or you can apply to do one
Stranger: pending on the course that you want to get into?
You: where should i apply?
Stranger: um
Stranger: i dunno
Stranger: depends what you want to do
Stranger: some unversities are better at thing than others
Stranger: i don't know about universiities of other states
Stranger: but in Victoria
You: i have lack of informations about this
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: are there 13 years of highschool? or 12?
You: 12
Stranger: oh
Stranger: hang on
Stranger: brb
Stranger: i have to help my mother with the computer
Stranger: she's so incompetant with it
Stranger: but keep talking
Stranger: i shouldn't be long
You: i choose Science class but still study history
You: ok i'll stay
You: my school is really popular in town
You: today i attended a silver reunion of class '84
You: and it's really fun
You: they can work and have a carrier according to what they like to do
You: one of them is a senior finance manager in World Bank
Stranger: ah yeah cool
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: but
Stranger: i think
Stranger: um
Stranger: are there any good universities around where you're from?
Stranger: because it's quite hard being an international student
You: yes, univ. of indonesia
Stranger: in australia
Stranger: because public transport here is crap
Stranger: and expensive
You: yeah but transportation in Indonesia is crap too
You: but REAL CHEAP... :)
Stranger: haha
Stranger: fair enough
Stranger: what time is it over there anyway?
You: 9pm
You: there?
Stranger: 12:01
Stranger: nightime
You: wow, still awake/
You: ?
Stranger: yeah
You: i think
Stranger: i shouldn't be though
Stranger: i have uni tomorrow
You: it's good to build a network with u
You: do you have msn/fb?
Stranger: i'm not that reliable
Stranger: lol
Stranger: er
Stranger: i'm trying to decide which one to give you
Stranger: msn
You: but you answer all my question
Stranger: ah
Stranger: but
Stranger: i dunno
Stranger: i might eb wrong haha
Stranger: i'm only 19
You: i want to make friends
You: it's a rare oppurtunity to meet a nice chatting friend
You: lol
You: fyi: i'm not a nerd at school
Stranger: haha
Stranger: I WAS!
Stranger: well
Stranger: sort of
You: haha
You: i'm a half maybe
Stranger: well
You: because i care about school
You: but i like to play too
Stranger: with me
Stranger: see
Stranger: i dont get this
Stranger: the stereotypical nerd
Stranger: in my opinion
Stranger: doens't exist
Stranger: just because he does well at school
Stranger: doesn't really make friends at school
Stranger: doesn't mean that he has no friends
Stranger: i was suprised at this guy at highschool
Stranger: he was always alone at highschool
Stranger: or he had like one friend
Stranger: (i went to a all boys school)
Stranger: i remember seeing him once outside of school at a park
Stranger: it was like him
Stranger: and like 7 other girls
Stranger: totally pimping
You: sorry are you a boy or girl?
Stranger: oh lol
Stranger: boy
Stranger: boy boy boy
You: i totally forget
You: hahaha
Stranger: haha
Stranger: i don't think i told you
You: in my school
You: there are less boys
Stranger: i see
You: but sometimes my school is known as
You: a good school
You: with a student fight and seniority
Stranger: ayeah
You: but solidarity is number one
You: lol
You: i guess
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: i was lucky enough to go to a private school
Stranger: catholic private school
You: i'm in public school
You: because it's better here
Stranger: really?
Stranger: often it's the other way around
You: i mean public school (for senior high) is better than private school in Jakarta
Stranger: ah yeah
Stranger: that's odd
Stranger: because often here in melbourne, it's the other way around
You: haha vice versa
Stranger: with an exception for the public elite school
You: i think my school is one of the public elite school
Stranger: haha
Stranger: that's good then!
You: what should i call u? (if i may)
Stranger: Eric
You: ok
Stranger: i'm asian btw
Stranger: Chinese
Stranger: not quite Australian
You: allright
You: there are many chinese too in Indonesia
You: i often meet them in my Taekwondo practice
You: they are hardworker, aren't they?
Stranger: they tend to be
Stranger: but they sometimes suck socially
You: lol
Stranger: no like really
You: yea sometimes
Stranger: if you're studying in Australia
Stranger: you have to make sure you're english is descent
You: why?
Stranger: you get some asians who can't speak english
Stranger: and it's really god damn annoying
Stranger: because you feel sorry for them, having to ask them to repeat what they have to say quite a few times
Stranger: you know what i mean?
You: haha, thank god i've learn English
Stranger: plus
You: yes i do
Stranger: Australians like to say that we're not racist
Stranger: but
Stranger: we are
Stranger: we're racist, just like everyone else
Stranger: but we're also fairly multicultural
Stranger: more often than not
Stranger: people will accept who are you, and won't go out of their way to ruin you
You: wow,, in Indonesia we have an idelogy
Stranger: but if they had a choice between two people
You: "unity in diversity"
Stranger: they would pick one that is more akin to them
Stranger: well
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: we sort of have that ideology
Stranger: but you know
Stranger: it's an idea
Stranger: it's like an ideal that everyone follows
You: do you follow?
Stranger: but in reality, there are racist unspoke thoughts and mutual agreements
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: basic australian thing
Stranger: if you don't bother me, i won't bother you
You: ok
Stranger: and more often than not, it takes far too much effort to actually care
Stranger: i take the laziest option =)
Stranger: then again
Stranger: i'm fairly damn cynical
You: we have a different culture..
Stranger: we're from different parts of the world
Stranger: but
Stranger: you know
Stranger: don't judge a culture through one pair of eyes
Stranger: culture must be experienced
Stranger: because more often than not
You: i never judge actually, i just do like
You: taking the good part, throw the bad part, create a new one
Stranger: culture is essentially a set of unwritten and unspoken rules
You: yeah it's intangible
Stranger: are you a religious man?
Stranger: what is your name anyway?
Stranger: if you don't mind me asking?
You: not really,, but i believe in God
Stranger: so
Stranger: er
Stranger: sort of?
Stranger: catholic?
You: aswita(see my msn a.sweet@.. lol)
Stranger: haha i see, that's a pretty awesome name
You: haha thanks
Stranger: i should sleep
Stranger: i think i've add you on msn already
Stranger: you're offline right?
You: aha but i haven't add you
Stranger: sokay
You: oh ok ok
Stranger: GOODNIGHT!
You: goodnight
Stranger: nice meeting you
You: xiexie...
You: :)
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: :)
Stranger: bye!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.