Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Chatting sama Cewe Korea

sekarang gw lagi kecanduan "chatting with stranger" di
hari ini gw ketemu cewe korea, namanya hera.. jarang bgt gw ketemu stranger yg baik kaya dia... here is our conversation: (baca deh, haha)
Omegle conversation log
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: from?
Stranger: korea
You: nice.. f/m?
Stranger: f
Stranger: u?
You: m
Stranger: from?
You: Indonesia
You: age?
Stranger: 19
You: oops i'm only 16
You: what time is it there?
Stranger: 1o pm..
You: ok
You: have u been to Indonesia?
Stranger: NO. ANY place to recommend?
You: yogyakarta
You: medan, jakarta, bali, makasar
You: those are our famous cities
Stranger: ahh, bali is most famous in korea i assume..
You: yes, it's a nice place to go
Stranger: is there hot>
Stranger: ?
You: mmm, yes for korean
You: because there are so many beaches
Stranger: ahh, u already get used too the weather//
You: yes u're right..
You: but i'm sure u will like the culture
Stranger: anything want to know about korea?
You: mm, is swine flu still happening there??
Stranger: yeah,,
Stranger: unfortunatel.y,, there were two people died of the flu.
You: i'm sorry to hear that..
You: i have a friend,, she went to korea last month
You: but she came back to Indonesia lately because of swine flu
Stranger: maybe korea is different from indonesia in many ways..
Stranger: ahh, sorry to hear that.
Stranger: but, i think the flu is not that serious like south america..
You: thank god..
You: hey, in indonesia many girls like korean actors and singer
Stranger: ahh, i'm proud of korean entertainers. they
Stranger: are all handsome ,, pretty
Stranger: especially who they like?
You: i've ever heard about kim bum
You: lee min ho
Stranger: oh,,
Stranger: f4 is surely poplular..
Stranger: popular..
Stranger: they are like rising stars... su
Stranger: like super rookies?
Stranger: but i don't like kim bum..
You: you mean f4 from boys before flower??
You: my sister likes kim bum, haha
Stranger: yeah,, boys before flower..
Stranger: he,, is
Stranger: unfortunately ..
Stranger: not commented well..
Stranger: like rude,, ?
You: oh, so i should tell my sister,, haha
Stranger: yeah,, he thinks he
Stranger: is top ..
Stranger: so, he tends to ig
Stranger: nore
Stranger: some
Stranger: manners.
Stranger: i guess..
Stranger: but that doesn
Stranger: doesn't matter among girls maybe if they
Stranger: are '
Stranger: handsome^^;;
You: i've heard about DBSK. are hey popular too?
You: *are they popular?
Stranger: yeah,, i love them,, they
Stranger: are really good at singing...
Stranger: have a lot of good songs, too..
You: my sister likes Max Changmin
You: but i never heard their songs
Stranger: my friend's school teacher is his father.. hehe
You: wowwwww!!!!! do u know him??
Stranger: no,, just heard .. but he seems to be very proud of his son..
You: do u like max?
Stranger: to pick one,, i love micky..~~
You: oh, i see
Stranger: futhermore, he has same birthdate with me!!
You: haha nice
Stranger: who do you like wh
You: mmm, i dont know
Stranger: haha,
Stranger: just ur sister
Stranger: she maybe elementary school student?
You: no, senior high student like me
You: in Indonesia, there are so many korean actors and singers fans
You: how about shinee?
Stranger: ahh,
Stranger: u really know well about
Stranger: recent popular stars..
Stranger: they are nice ..
You: (my sister asks me to ask u,, is it okay?) hahaha
Stranger: ahah,,
Stranger: they are really polite~
Stranger: and sing well~~
Stranger: handsome~~
Stranger: worth loving~
You: haha, which is more popular??
Stranger: dbsk shinee?
You: yes
Stranger: ofcoure dbsk..
Stranger: they debuted more ago..
Stranger: shinee just got their debut..
You: can u suggest me some of DBSK most popular song?
You: cause i wanna know what makes my sister like them... haha :)
Stranger: hmm.. really hard..
Stranger: cause they have so many good songs..
Stranger: oh, let me think ..
Stranger: which genredo you prefer,, ballad
Stranger: or dance?\
You: mmm just give me 1 ballad,1 dance
Stranger: ok.. now i'm looking over my ipod.. haha..
Stranger: wait
Stranger: mirotic(dance the title of korea's 4th album)
Stranger: you're my melody(also song of korea
Stranger: 's 4th album,, it's ballad
You: ohhh, mirotic,, i know that
Stranger: as for me.. it's really happy that i can su
Stranger: suggest their good songs without hesitation.
You: ok
Stranger: how about crAZY LOVE..
You: what is that?
Stranger: title of song
You: ok i'll find it
You: how about female singer?
Stranger: where can you find?
You: mr. google
Stranger: right now there are so many korean female singers..
Stranger: to pick one..
Stranger: Girl's Generation..~
Stranger: 9 members..
You: wow
You: are they good?
Stranger: all of them are too lovely ~~
You: do u like them?
Stranger: yes,
Stranger: like their songs..
Stranger: the songs are really expressing teenagers minds well~~~
Stranger: can sympathize
You: wow
You: by the way, where do u live in korea?
Stranger: gee.. Genie... hope u listen
You: oke
You: hey, my sister ask u, do u know Changmin's father name?
Stranger: 심동식..
Stranger: ^^
You: how to read it? i can't read it ^^
Stranger: Shim dong Sik..
You: ok.. (haha my sister is getting happier to know that... kamsahamida^^)
Stranger: hahaha..
Stranger: but is it important?? their family's name?^^;;
You: ya, it makes her know more about her idol (maybe)
You: do u know, what subject does he teach? (i'm sorry for asking too much about max ^^)
Stranger: Korean!! but my friend always saying i can teach well than him!!!
You: why? is he a bad teacher? in what school does he teach?
Stranger: not bad.. just kidding..
Stranger: he seems to be boring ...
Stranger: girl's high school
You: ohhh...
You: hey, i learn Taekwondo here. do you?
Stranger: no,, i've have had no chance to learn it.. but i really wanted!!
You: i really like taekwondo
Stranger: relive stress?
You: i join taekwondo club in my school
You: yes, it relives stress
You: it's fun, taekwondo has kind of dance too, i like it
Stranger: ahh, i'm glad that school teaches Taekwondo..
Stranger: hmm,, do you plan to take some level? like black belt degree..
You: i hope next year... wish me..
Stranger: good luck.~~
Stranger: u can do it !!
You: kamsahamida^^ (is it correct?)
Stranger: gam sa ham ni da~~~
You: oooh,, hahaha,, so i'm wrong
You: i just hear it, so i don't know the correct one...
Stranger: teach me your language.. Thank you in indonesia.. oh,, do you use english?
You: no, we use indonesian
You: gam sa ham ni da = Terima kasih
Stranger: ohh,, difficult...
You: try it... te ri ma ka sih
Stranger: si.. h?
You: it sounds like "sih"
Stranger: okk. i'll practice it.. ~~
You: are u in college now?
Stranger: nono,, next year~
Stranger: as i mentioned, i;m a high school student~
You: oooh sorry i forget
You: hey, may i know your name?
Stranger: hera~
You: wow, it's a common name in Indonesia too..
Stranger: ohh, little bit dissapointed.. cause my name is somewhat rare.
You: ohh, so hera is rare in korea?
Stranger: quite..
Stranger: the name begins with he,, like heji,hemin,,is really common..
Stranger: but surprisingly
Stranger: hera is not that common.. as far as i know.
You: wow, congratz..
You: my name is really common in my country -_-
Stranger: hmm.. sometimes it is quite annoying.. i guess.
You: yaa, in one school, maybe 1 or 2 boys have a same name with me
Stranger: ever thougt changing name? haha just kidding
You: nope, hahaha
You: hera, in my neighbourhood, there are quite a lot of korean
Stranger: ahh, they may came for learning english??
You: as i know, they came here to work
Stranger: ahh,, i wonder what kind of work they do.
You: maybe they work in Korean company.
Stranger: ahh,,
Stranger: what time is there>
You: 21.13pm
You: how about there?
You: ohya,, are u in south korea??
Stranger: of course!!!!
Stranger: north korea do not have dbsk,!!!
Stranger: just kidding~~
Stranger: it's 2hrs later than ur time
You: oh, hahaha
You: which city do u live? seoul?
Stranger: yes~~ seoulite~~
Stranger: and u?
You: ohh, so in korea, it is 23.16pm
You: am i disturbing u,hera??
You: i live in Jakarta. the capital. hahaha
You: "jakmania" :)
Stranger: ahh~~ both of us live in capital~~
You: yes
You: i really want to go to korea..^^
You: my father has been to seoul, he said it's really cold
You: but less polution than here
Stranger: but now it's hot here. it's summer now.~
Stranger: hey let me knowur name
You: ohh, my father came there in winter, when snow falls
You: my name is Fachri
Stranger: is my e-mail..
Stranger: cause there's a TV show i want to catch.. i think i have to call it a day~~~~
You: i forget my mail address
Stranger: hahah,,
Stranger: there's no way to make a contact then?
Stranger: it was very good to meet u~~
You: maybe for temporary you can save my sister's
Stranger: oh, i saved it in my phone..
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: if
Stranger: if there's something u want to know about korea.. don't hestitate to send an email
You: great! it's a very kind of you..
Stranger: and i am wiiling to send some music files of korean songs.. if your sister wants!!
Stranger: buy Fachri~~~
You: yaaa, that's great too
Stranger: bye~~~
You: thanks
You: you the nicest stranger
You: i've ever met... ^^
Stranger: u 2!!!
Stranger: thank~~ u
Your conversational partner has disconnected.